Alcorn’s Extension Program Participates in Delta Ag Expo

The Alcorn State University School of Agriculture, Research, Extension and Applied Sciences Extension Program attended the 43rd annual Delta Ag Expo held in Cleveland, Mississippi, January 20-21, 2016.

“The Expo is an educational event that presents the latest technical information related to agricultural crops grown in the Mississippi Delta and surrounding areas,” said Joshua Coleman, agribusiness educator. “It is accomplished by providing annual educational seminars that highlight the newest technology and research-proven agricultural information, as well as providing over 100 commercial exhibits that represent various phases of agriculture.”

The seminar provides farmers with an opportunity to speak with Extension and research personnel, commercial agriculture-related businesses, as well as see the latest changes in technology first-hand.

Also, the School promoted its Small Farm Outreach Training and Technical Assistance Project that provides financial management education training to small farmers throughout the state and promotes United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs to minorities.

The School’s staff, also, had an opportunity to speak with high school students enrolled in agricultural science classes regarding agriculture programs and scholarships available at Alcorn State.

“We are always excited to provide educational information to small farmers throughout the state. There are always changes occurring within the agriculture industry and we strive to keep our audiences updated with the latest research and education,” Joshua Coleman expressed. We are here to help them have successful, profitable operations and to improve their quality of life.”

In addition to Joshua Coleman, other staff in attendance were Larry Russell, field coordinator, John Coleman, extension educator, and Percy Baldwin, plant manager.

For more information on information presented at the Expo, please contact Joshua Coleman at [email protected] or (601) 786-3131.