Examination of Records: School records and accounts pertaining to veterans and eligible persons enrolled are readily identifiable and available for examination by authorized representatives of the government. All permanent records are maintained in the Registrar’s office.
Entrance Requirements: Proof that entrance requirements were met at the time of enrollment is a part of the student’s permanent record.
Previous Education and Training Requirements: The University will consider all previous education and/or training of the veteran when he/she applies for admission. The previous education and/or training must become a part of the veteran’s permanent record at the University. It is the sole responsibility of the veteran to inform the University if he/she has attended any other school, college, or University prior to entering Alcorn State. If the veteran fails to report any such previous education and/or training, the University will not be held responsible to the Veterans Administration.
Progress Records: The school maintains a permanent record to show progress. The permanent record includes a final grade in each subject for each term. A student is placed on academic probation for one semester if he/she fails to maintain a cumulative point average of 2.0.
Any student who is placed on academic probation will be required to carry a reduced load of academic and extracurricular activities. The student is also expected to earn a 2.0 average or above during the probation period. If the student fails to raise his/her grade point average during the probation period, the VA will be notified that the student has ceased making satisfactory progress. In the event VA benefits are terminated for lack of progress, the student will not be re-certified to the VA unless and until a VA counseling psychologist counsels him/her.
Attendance: Regular and prompt class attendance is required of all students. Consistent class attendance by students applies to all classes whether these are lecture or laboratory sessions or periods or delivered through online platforms (e.g., online, Blackboard Learn, Canvas). The instructor records the absences in the class roll book as they occur.
Class attendance forms are distributed to all veterans’ instructors at the end of every term/semester of school. These forms are to be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office promptly. Veterans must advise the University Veterans Advisor of any changes in enrollment status, including drops, adds, or any change in schedule.
Reports to the Veterans Administration: Any changes in status from the last certification to the VA is reported promptly. Reports of unsatisfactory progress, drops, withdrawals, and unscheduled interruptions will be made within the month of occurrence or immediately thereafter.
Payments to eligible veterans usually begin about 90 days after certification materials are received in the Regional VA office.