Giving Back
With over 150 years of excellence in education, Alcorn State University has been renowned among historically black colleges and universities. Under the leadership of President Tracy M. Cook, we are reaching for our next goal: to be lauded not just as a great HBCU, but as a great university.
All gifts or donations made to Alcorn State University via check, money order, cashier’s check, etc. should be made payable to Alcorn State University Foundation, Inc. or ASU Foundation, Inc.
All gifts of below $250.00 made to the Alcorn State University Foundation, Inc. will only receive an emailed Acknowledgement/Thank You letter. Gifts of $250.00 and above will receive a letter through the U.S. Mail. All donors are reminded and strongly encouraged to always include an email address along with each gift to ensure receipt of an acknowledgement letter. This policy change was made in response to the rising costs of printing and postage. We appreciate your understanding and continued support. (1/1/2018)
Our Office
Feel free to contact any member of the Institutional Advancement staff to learn more about and to support the “Always Alcorn” Annual Fund Campaign.

Dr. Marcus D. Ward ’00
Vice President for Institutional Advancement | Executive Director, Alcorn State University Foundation, Inc.
[email protected]
(601) 877-6296
Mr. Casey Mock ’13
Finance & Accounting Manager, Alcorn State University Foundation, Inc.