To be eligible for admission as a transfer applicant, a student should have an official transcript showing credits and grades and an official statement of honorable dismissal sent directly from the college or university previously attended to the Admissions Office. All transfer students must receive an authorization form from the General College before entering a major department. A student who is not in good standing with the school from which he/she desires to transfer will not be granted admission to Alcorn until he/she is eligible for readmission to that school. Transfer students must have an overall average of “C” and the following required 30 semester hours:

6 semester hours
English Composition

3 semester hours
College Algebra or above

6 semester hours
Laboratory Science

9 semester hours
Transferable Electives

3 semester hours
Social/Behavioral Sciences

Full credit is given for all courses passed at other accredited institutions provided the courses and grades of “C” and above are equivalent to the requirements of the curriculum chosen at Alcorn (Mississippi Community and Junior College transfers click here to review the Transfer Articulation Agreement). In all cases, in order for a student to qualify for graduation, he must possess a 2.0 average on a 4.0 scale based on his record at Alcorn as well as on his entire record.

A transfer student from a non-accredited college may be considered for admission on a one-by-one basis, providing the student meets the above semester hour requirements.

Transfer applicants who meet the freshmen admission requirements at Alcorn State University, but choose to enroll at another institution, and who do not have the 30 or 15 hour requirement may transfer at any time provided the following provisions are met:

  1. The applicant submits a formal application.
  2. The applicant submits an official transcript from each college or university attended.
  3. The applicant is in good standing at the last college or university attended.The applicant submits a minimum American College Test (ACT) composite score of 16 or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) composite of 790.
  4. The applicant has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (based on methods of computing GPA at Alcorn State University).

Evaluation of Credits

The Dean of General College, along with the department chairperson to which the student has been admitted, determines courses that can be accepted in the degree program. Students will not receive transfer credit for the courses designed specifically for technical and vocational career programs, or remedial programs. Students transferring from one of the Mississippi public community colleges and following the 64-hour CORE approved by the eight state universities will receive complete credit for the courses outlined in that 64-hour CORE.

The department chairperson to which the application is submitted determines the way previously earned credits will apply in the degree program. Students ordinarily receive no transfer credit for courses designed specifically for technical and vocational career programs, or remedial programs.

Once admitted to the university, a student must obtain written approval of his/her department chairperson before taking courses at another institution with the intention of transferring credits toward an Alcorn State University degree.

Grade Requirements

After enrollment at the university, all course work attempted at other institutions will be recorded without changes in grades on the student’s academic record at the university. Transferred courses with “D” (1.00) will not apply for credit.

At the discretion of the executive officer, the university may allow a limited number of high risk transfer students to enter who have not met the entire 30-hour transfer requirement. This number shall be no greater than a number equivalent to 10 percent of the previous year’s (for summer, fall, and spring terms) first-time transfer students. Each high risk student must have achieved a minimum of fifteen transferable semester hours, with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. These hours must include six hours of English Composition.

Students from fully accredited institutions ordinarily will be given full credit for work transferred into the university as long as the courses taken are the same as, or equivalent to, courses offered in the department in which the student enrolls at the institution.

After enrollment at the university, all coursework attempted at other institutions will be recorded without changes in grades on the student’s academic record at the university. Transferred courses with “D” (1.00) will not apply for credit.