Students of ASU-SPARK Receive 1st Place in Behavioral Video Contest

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Two student leaders of the Alcorn State University ASU-SPARK project, Jakia Gilbert, senior and Jocelyn Taylor, junior, both mass communication majors, won first place in a Behavioral Health Promotion video contest, according to Dr. Martha Ravola, ASU-SPARK project director and assistant vice president Academic Program Support and Graduate Studies.

The contest was sponsored by the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Center for Excellence (HBCU-CFE) in Behavioral Health at Morehouse School of Medicine, in Atlanta, Georgia. The winners were announced at the annual National Behavioral Health Awareness Day event held on February 26, 2016.

“It is very encouraging to see students actively participate in promoting behavioral health as it positively impacts student retention,” said Dr. Martha Ravola, ASU-SPARK project director and assistant vice president of academic program support and graduate studies.

To view the prize winning video click on the link below: