Marnee’ B. Tompkins appointed Board member the Bethlehem Center in Jackson

Marnee’ B. Tompkins appointed Board member the Bethlehem Center in Jackson

Congratulations to Marnee’ B. Tompkins for being appointed to the Board of Directors of the Bethlehem Center Incorporated of Jackson, Mississippi.

Marnee’ has a bachelor’s degree accounting and an anticipated 2012 master’s degree in workforce education leadership from Alcorn State University. She is currently serving as the president of Southern University Alumni Association Jackson, Mississippi Chapter, and a member of the service sorority of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated, Rho Lambda Omega Chapter.

As an active 13 year member of Anderson United Methodist Church, she has volunteered her time, talents and financial resources to help promote the Bethlehem Center. She brings with her educational leadership abilities she has gained while serving as district testing coordinator for Hinds Community College.

Marnee Tompkins 

Pictured: Marnee’ B. Tompkins.