USDA Public Meeting: Hispanic and Women Farmers/Ranchers Discrimination Claim Process

USDA Public Meeting: Hispanic and Women Farmers/Ranchers Discrimination Claim Process

The USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), Rural Development (RD) and Natural Resources Conservation Service will host a public meeting to discuss the Hispanic and Women Farmers/Ranchers Claim Process for those persons alleging past discrimination. In addition, each agency will provide an update of its programs. If you have clients, or know Hispanics and/or Women that may have been impacted, please attend the meeting or pass this information along. The meeting will be held on November 15, 2012, at Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center, Raymond, MS, at 5:00 p.m.

Please note: A meal is being prepared and we are requesting that individuals call the following number to confirm your attendance so that the proper number of meals can be prepared. Please call Clarence Finley at 601-965-5205 Ext.2146 by close of business November 14th.