Alcorn senior inducted into Mississippi Alpha Network 2013 Hall of Fame Class
Alcorn senior inducted into Mississippi Alpha Network 2013 Hall of Fame Class
Congratulations to senior music education major Robert Guyton on his induction into the Mississippi Alpha Network (M.A.N.) 2013 Hall of Fame Class on January 26 during their district conference. The news came as a shock to the Detroit, Michigan native, “I’m still in awe that I was inducted, this is truly an honor”, expressed a humbled Guyton. “I don’t participate to be recognized but to show young men and women that regardless of where you’ve been or what you’ve done, you can overcome any adversity.”
Guyton, a member of the Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, was inducted because of his leadership roles and vigorous participation in the Fraternity, and because he attended the Alpha Leadership Academy “Omicron Class” this past summer. For the past two years, Guyton has chaired the Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant and worked alongside his Fraternity brothers on several service projects including “DK Goes Homeless” and “Relay for Life”. “Activities like these make you grateful for what you have,” shared Guyton. “It empowers you and encourages other students to get involved in various events around campus and in the community.”
While at Alcorn, Guyton has been an active participant of Student Support Services, a member of the Concert Choir, Men’s Chorale and Choir Psi Phi. After graduation, he plans to attend graduate school and pursue a career in musical theater. “Good work pays off, it’s a great opportunity to show the world that students at Alcorn are definitely making strides to be better in everything that we do.”
Mississippi Alpha Network is the brand of the District of Mississippi. The District of Mississippi is comprised of the 22 College and Alumni Chapters, and the more than 400 active members of the Fraternity within the State of Mississippi. The District of Mississippi is division a of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.