Professor Qiao to speak at Alcorn
Professor Qiao to speak at Alcorn
Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the lecture of Dr. Zhijun Qiao, professor of mathematics at the University of Texas – Pan American (UTPA), on Monday, October 21, 2013, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., in room 205 of the Kenneth L. Simmons Industrial Technology Building.
Dr. Qiao will speak on the “Principles of 2D and 3D Turntable Radar Imaging”, according to Dr. Yufeng Zheng, associate professor in the Department of Advanced Technologies.
His presentation will focus on a filtered inversion scheme for turntable inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) data, which is derived from a scalar wave equation model, for three spatial dimensions. The proposed data inversion scheme will elicit the use of filtered back projection (FBP) and convolution back projection (CBP) imaging algorithms.
This presentation also provides a derivation of a general imaging filter, needed for accurate near-field FBP and CBP imaging algorithms, which will be shown to reduce to familiar results found in SWISAR (Spherical-Wave ISAR) imaging.
Dr. Qiao received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Applied Mathematics from Fudan University, Institute of Mathematics, Shanghai, China. He has worked as a program researcher for the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He also served as a Humboldt Research Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kassel, Kassel, Hesse, Germany, and as a professor in the Department of Mathematics at Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China. Dr. Qiao directs three grants exceeding $1.3 million, has authored two books and has over 120 publications in peer-reviewed international journals.
The lecture is sponsored by the Alcorn State University Student Chapter of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), of which Dr. Zheng serves as advisor.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information, contact the Department of Advanced Technologies at 601.877.6482.