Alcorn’s biology professor and student attend Toyota Green Ambassador Training at Clark Atlanta University

Alcorn’s biology professor and student attend Toyota Green Ambassador Training at Clark Atlanta University

Alcorn State University’s professor of biology Alex D.W. Acholonu and his student Amber Tatum, Ecology Club president, attended the Toyota Green Ambassador Training held November 1-3, 2013, at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Acholonu, the SEEDS Campus Ecology Chapter of the Ecological Society of America (ESA)/ Ecology Club faculty advisor, nominated Tatum to represent Alcorn and serve as the Toyota Green Ambassador for the 2013-2014 academic year.

The objectives of the Toyota Green Initiative are to help the community, to raise awareness of environmental problems and solutions and to create sustainable Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

“The training consisted of several group interactions in which the green ambassadors from 25 HBCUs across the nation were split into three teams and required to create an imaginary, sustainable campus through presentations and activities,” explained Dr. Acholonu, who addressed the group on biodiversity. “The ambassadors were encouraged to include environment/ecological concepts such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, renewable energy, and transportation. They were also asked to address the 15 Millennium Global Challenges in their presentations. Several resource experts and professors gave lectures on topics concerning environmental awareness.They all reinforced key elements that ultimately helped the participants create and design imaginary green campuses.”

The program was geared toward providing the HBCUsattendees with valuable insight for improving their environments and campuses/communities. Upon the completion of the training, the HBCU greenambassadors are expected to carry the training experience to theirrespective campuses and promote environmental awareness during the 2013-2014 academic year. They are also required to take the Toyota Green Initiative Promise Pledge and get other students to do the same. They were educated on how to use social media to spread environmental issues.

Tatum stated, “The Training was a great experience. I learned a lot from it and now have an insight as to how to increase environmental/ecological awareness among my fellow students and community.”

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Pictured: Dr. Acholonu (first from left) and Amber Tatum(third from left) with Training participants.