The race has begun for the seat of Alcorn State University’s next Student Government Association (SGA) President. During Monday’s Meet The Candidates program, Derry Harris, Bryanna LeBeaux and Jeremy Martin were presented as the candidates for the 2016-2017 SGA president. Each candidate was asked a series of questions about their vision as president.
According to Derry, his main objective is to serve as a liaison for both the student body and the community.
“Giving the students a voice to work with, I am here to serve you, elect me and I will not desert you,” said Derry.
Bryanna’s main goal is to strive to build a bond with both the historically black colleges and universities and predominantly white institutions (PWIs) throughout the state of Mississippi.
“As students in the state of Mississippi, we must unify as one, despite our schools’ history. Both HBCU students and PWI students can work together to become one.”
Jeremy stated that his main goal as SGA president would be to find ways of retaining students here at Alcorn and raise the student enrollment.
“As your next SGA president, I would like to work with the students and administration to raise our enrollment here along with finding ways to keep our current students enrolled at the university.”