Alcorn Students to Observe Screen-Free Week, May 2-6

Representatives from Connectivity, Awareness and Support Activities (CASA) will be promoting Screen-Free Week by encouraging students to refrain from using screens for entertainment, and instead invite them to participate in physical activities after lunch.

The week of May 2-6 from noon to 2 p.m., will be filled with activities on the grounds of the Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Facility.

According to the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, a national advocacy organization devoted to reducing the impact of commercialism on children, this initiative “was created for students to reconsider the place of digital entertainment in their lives and to help them make long-term changes for a healthier, more satisfying life.”

A tent will be set up on the grounds of the dining facility for students to pledge to be screen-free for the entire week. Students will, also, be invited to participate in various physical activities.

For additional information, contact Jessica Rankin, research associate, at (601) 877-3967 or [email protected].