PACE Program  Seeks Head Start Families

Dear Parent(s):

We are excited to share with you a great opportunity! Alcorn State University is collaborating with Head Start programs throughout southwest Mississippi to reduce childhood obesity. As you may know, childhood obesity is a major health issue in Mississippi. Parents and Children Engaged (PACE) to Prevent Childhood Obesity is a research-based project intended to help reduce the risk of obesity in pre-school children.

As a parent or caregiver, you are the most influential person in your child’s life! We solicit your participation, along with your child, as we plan and conduct activities that could improve the health of both of you.

Space is LIMITED! So sign up now by contacting LaSheena Oliver, parent coordinator, Thompson Head Start Center at (601) 445-8878 or [email protected]. We request that you and your child participate in an eight-week program. Once each week, you would attend a 30-45 minute training program conducted at your child’s Head Start Center. A series of educational and informative activities will guide you in making healthier choices and developing habits for a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Martha Ravola, assistant vice president for Academic Program Support and Graduate Studies, and associate professor of Human Sciences, is the primary investigator, and Dr. Ananda Nanjunaswamy, assistant professor in the Department of Agriculture, and Cinda Catchings, professor of nutrition and dietetics on the Department of Human Sciences, serve as the co-primary investigators of the grant.

If you would like to know more about the PACE Project or have questions, please contact Jessica Rankin, research associate, at (601) 877-3967 or [email protected].