The Alcorn PACE Project Observes Family Dine in Day
Did you know that there are so many benefits just from dining in with your family? According to the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Saturday, December 3, has been proclaimed Family and Consumer Sciences Day. Family and Consumer Sciences Dine in Day is dedicated to spending time at the dinner table with our loved ones, our family!
In 2015, more than 125,000 people committed to preparing and eating a healthy meal together on Dine in Day, according to the AAFCS.
The Association recognizes that family mealtimes consist of the following benefits: stronger bonds, nutritional meals, healthy body weight, and children are better adjusted, perform well in school, and less likely to battle depression.
The Parents and Children Engaged to Prevent Childhood Obesity Project is about obesity prevention in children through family engagement. Among the many aspects that contribute to obesity, not having family meals together is one of the contributing factors which is addressed by the PACE Project. To encourage families to eat together to promote healthy habits and commemorate the Family and Consumer Sciences Dine in Day, the PACE Project is observing the proclamation.
For more information on the PACE Project and other events, contact Dr. Martha Ravola, principal investigator, PACE Project, at 601-877-4717 or [email protected], or Priscilla Houston, research aide, at 601-877-4709 or [email protected].