Summer Camp Deadlines Fast Approaching!

There is still time to register for summer camps sponsored by the Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.

Registration is open for the STEM and Rock 22 camps.

Department of Advanced Technologies (STEM) Summer Camps (June and July, Lorman and Vicksburg)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Camps sponsored by the Department of Advanced Technologies for youth entering grades 2-12 will be offered in June and July. The camps will offer educational, creative, and recreational activities. Youth will be exposed to cutting-edge topics and provided practical training in the areas of computer science, math, robotics, physics and technology.

The dates, times and locations of the camps are:

Lorman Campus – July 17-21

Dr. Kenneth L. Simmons, Sr. Technology Building

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Vicksburg Campus – June 19-23 and June 26-30

Vicksburg Campus in the Pemberton Mall

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The cost is $100 per youth, per camp, per week. Registration for the camps are now open. All camp sessions are based on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited to 30 participates in each camp

The STEM camps will give youth an opportunity to explore hands-on activities including, nuclear and radiation technology, geographic information systems, digital communication, electronics, and computer technology. The camps will, also, allow youth to participate in technology and engineering, and expose them to a variety of STEM programs they could pursue as a career.

For more details, contact Denease Moore, secretary, at 601-877-6482.

Rock 22 Summer Youth Expo (July 24-28)

Mark your calendar for July 24-28 for the Rock 22 Summer Youth Expo. The expo will be held at Rock 22 Farm/Ranch, 4239 Tom Collins Road, Utica, MS. The camp is for youth ages 13-18, and will operate from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The agricultural and wellness learning camp will cover the following topics:

  • ATV, Farm and Wildlife Safety
  • Forestry (Tree ID/Insect ID/Edible Forge)
  • Wildlife & Fisheries (Preservation/Wildlife/Amazing Animal)
  • Nutrition, Fitness
  • Drone Commercial Application Demo/Safety
  • Career Planning Livestock
  • Horticulture (Herbs Container Gardening)
  • Domestic Animals (Horses/Goats/Cattle)

Staff, from the Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Hinds Community

College, Mississippi Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Hinds County Sheriff Department, and

Mississippi State University Extension Service, will serve as presenters.

The camp will provide enrichment activities and promote interdisciplinary learning experiences for middle and high school youth interested in the industry of agriculture and environmental sciences — with emphasis on career opportunities, emerging technology, citizenship, and leadership development.

Planned activities will encourage, explore and introduce the principles of asking methodical questions, critical thinking, and observing and exploring STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Activities will introduce participants to the 21st century skills necessary to become involved in sharing experiences and improving existing technologies. These skills will inspire life lessons and enhance participants’ desires to influence better life choices; thus, creating a better quality of life that will promote positive youth development.

The camp is free and space is limited, first-come, first-served. Deadline to register: July 21.

To register for the camp, contact Manola Erby, youth specialist, Alcorn State Extension

Program, at 601-857-0250 or [email protected].