Alcorn new president M. Christopher Brown II addresses student leaders during Student Leadership Roundtable Discussion
On January 26, the Division of Student Affairs, Student Engagement Program, held its first Student Leadership Roundtable Discussion in the new 2011 year.
Dr. M. Christopher Brown II, 18th president of Alcorn, served as the speaker. In his address to the student leaders, the president remembered prominent figures in African-American history and spoke about importance of the power of one. The program continued with a musical selection performed by Choir Psi Phi National Music Society Inc sponsored by Charles Wesley and Donna Schaeffer, Fine Arts Department.
The event concluded with Dr. Donzell Lee, dean, School of Graduate Studies/accreditation liaison, giving updates on the reaffirmation of accreditation (Southern Association of College and Schools) and explaining the importance of it. Then, Dr. Larry Konecky, chair, Fine Arts Department spoke about the University’s Quality Enhancement Plan and its topic being “Writing Matters”.
“Today we listened to our president speak about the power of one, and I think it is important that we remember that principle and strive for excellence,” says Porche Scott majoring in plant and soil science. “It was important to hear about the meaning of the University’s accreditation,” shared Andre Marshall, sophomore class president. “To acquire the reaffirmation, it will take everybody’s effort, including students. We will make sure to share it with our fellow students.”
The Next Roundtable will be held on the last Wednesday of February, 2011, in the Gold Room of the Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Facility.