ASU Swine Development Center to host field day(2)

ASU Swine Development Center to host Field Day 

The Alcorn State University Swine Development Center will host its annual Pork Producers Field Day, Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the ASU Church Hill Swine Farm, 2453 Hog Farm Road, Church Hill, Mississippi, according to Dr. Michael Ezekwe, Swine Development Center director.

There is no cost for attending this event, which will cover topics on general swine production and management, and practices required for a successful commercial small scale hog production.  Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m.

“It is important for swine producers and potential farmers to attend because this is the one time in the year when facilities are open for producers and potential producers to learn practical hog production, the latest production techniques, and demonstration of skills in swine husbandry,” Dr. Ezekwe said.

Mr. Melvin Nettles, Sr, of Pattison, Mississippi will give a presentation on pasture pork production from a producer’s perspective.  In addition, information on the availability of loan sources for start-ups and/or for expansion of existing farms, record keeping methods, as well as hog marketing outlets will be presented.  A tour of the facilities will be conducted, followed by the demonstration of farming practices.
Swine producers and other interested persons are encouraged to attend.     

“There were approximately 200 participants at last year’s Field Day, consisting of  swine producers, extension agents, faculty, research scientists, potential hog producers, community leaders, state representatives, and students,” Ezekwe said.  “This is part of our outreach support to assist producers to generate more income from hog production.”

The event will conclude with a barbecue lunch.  For additional information on the event as well as the ASU Swine Development Center, please contact Dr. Ezekwe at 601.877.2381 or [email protected].

Swine Development