Alumni Legends' Ball


The Metro-Jackson Alcorn Alumni Chapter, Inc. will host their second Alcorn Alumni Legends’ Ball on Saturday, March 23, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to midnight.  This event is a “black tie” gala and will be held at the Jackson Marriott Downtown.  The hotel is located at 200 East Amite Street in downtown Jackson.  Rooms are available at the hotel for $109 per night.  If you are interested in staying overnight, please tell the hotel attendant that you are staying for the Alcorn Alumni Legends’ Ball to receive your discount rate.

The highlight of the gala will be the crowning of one outstanding alumnus “Legend of the Ball”.

This will be a stellar affair enhanced by fancy gowns, tuxedos, good food, souvenir books, gifts for each guest, a photographer, a nationally known band led by our fellow alum and music mogul Jessie Primer, III and a cash bar.

Tickets are on sale NOW for $50 per person or $400 per table of 8.  All reserved seating will be at the front of the ballroom.  Perhaps $400 to purchase a table at the ball is not in your budget this month, and you would like to enjoy the evening with friends and family at a classy event.  You can do that.  Simply ask seven people to join you by purchasing their individual tickets.  After collecting their funds, request that the table be reserved in your name or a member of your group’s name; 8 tickets will be given to the respective person and his/her name will be placed on the table to await the arrival of their guest.  PLEASE MAKE SURE EACH GUEST THAT YOU PURCHASE A TICKET FOR HAS HIS/HER TICKET WHEN THEY ARRIVE FOR SEATING.

To purchase tickets please call Geraldine Yates at (601)707-7940, (601) 942-3003 or Marian Mixon at (601) 259-0299, (601) 925-0896.  You may also contact any member of the Metro-Jackson Alcorn Alumni Chapter for tickets.

We hope to see you at the ball.