Alcorn provides can goods to local community
Alcorn provides can goods to local community
University employees collect can goods to fight hunger
Alcorn State University President M. Christopher Brown II believes that during the season of generosity that the institution plays a vital role in giving back to our local communities.
This holiday season Alcorn worked closely with the Jefferson County Department of Human Resources and has collected can goods from faculty and staff to significantly impact hunger in the area.
“Alcorn works with several local charities throughout the year,” Brown said. “We understand our responsibility to Southwestern Mississippi and our service mission. Understanding hunger is key to solving this extensive community concern. I am grateful that the Alcorn family knows that every CAN makes a difference.”
During its annual holiday gathering Alcorn employees brought numerous can goods to help assist needy families in Jefferson County. “It feels good to give to those in need. While some of us have first hand experience with hunger, others can not imagine the pains it can cause,” says Alcorn WPRL Music Director Jerome Myles.
Tarsha Clark with the Department of Human Services thanked Alcorn for the much needed can goods that will insure holiday cheer for families in Jefferson County.
To spread the joy of the season, contact the Jefferson County Department of Human Services at 601.786.6010.