Rodrick Patterson receives second scholarship
Alcorn State University sophomore Rodrick Patterson Jr. is no stranger to collecting scholarships.
“I am honored to receive my second scholarship from the same federal organization,” said Patterson.
Patterson, who majors in Agriculture, was awarded the Farm Bureau Ambassador Scholarship that is sponsored by the Mississippi Farm Bureau Women. The scholarship is worth $4,000.
The scholarship is awarded to a male of female recipient attending any Mississippi four-year college or university or a community college. Competitors must have completed at least one full year of college courses. The student must maintain at least a 2.5. grade point average out of a possible 4.0.
The constant scholarships received by Patterson are a testament to his dedication to bettering himself as a student and laying a solid pathway after he graduates.
“I will continue to make put forth my best effort in furthering my endeavors in agriculture by researching jobs and internship opportunities.”
Patterson believes that getting scholarships will increase a student’s stock in the job market after graduation.
“Awarded scholarships separates you from the rest when looking for jobs and internship interviews. In addition, awarded scholarships highlights you as a person who will go the extra mile to achieve a given task.”
Back in July, Patterson received a $3,000 scholarship on behalf of Mississippi Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Rancher’s Scholarship Foundation, which is designed to provide opportunities to agriculture students showing need for financial assistance.