Alcorn Graduate Kimber Thomas Enters Doctoral Program

Alcorn State University graduate Kimber S. Thomas began a doctoral program in American Studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in August of this year. She was the recipient of a Royster Fellowship, which is one of the most prestigious awards that a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate student is eligible to receive. ??

Thomas graduated from Alcorn State University in 2012 with a 4.0 average. She was named Alcorn’s Outstanding Student of the Year by the university at the end of her senior year. ??

After graduation, Thomas entered the master’s program in Afro-American Studies at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). She received her master’s degree from UCLA in June of this year. ??

“I am forever indebted to my professors in the English Department at Alcorn,” said Kimber. “They trained me to think critically. They provided me with a foundation that has gotten me into and carried me through other academic programs, said Thomas.”

Thomas credits her time spent at Alcorn for her success.

“My experience at Alcorn was one of the most rewarding intellectual experiences I’ve had to date.”??

Professor of English Dr. Peter R. Malik was happy for Thomas’ accomplishments.

“Kimber is a wonderful example of an Alcorn student who made the most of her opportunity here,” said Malik. “Kimber was one of our best and brightest English majors, and it is great to see how her career has blossomed since she has left us. Her accomplishments make it clear that our graduates can go anywhere and do anything with their Alcorn degrees.”

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