Rodrick Patternson looks forward to leading the junior class next

While campaigning to become the president of Alcorn State University’s junior class next year, Rodrick Patterson took an unorthodox approach to earning votes. Instead of just posting the cliché flyers asking people to vote for him, he, along with his campaign team, went the extra mile by providing different services to Alcorn students.

“During my campaign week, my team and I offered free pedicures, manicures, haircuts and helped students formulate resumes along with conducting mock job interviews for their professional development,” said Patterson. “I will continue to engage in individual student contact to encourage interaction amongst the student body.”

Those forward thinking ideas helped Patterson garner enough votes to be elected as the 2015-2016 junior class president. Patterson, who majors in agriculture, is eagerly anticipating his opportunity to lead his classmates in a positive direction.

“It feels amazing to be in a position where I can be heard and represent my class. I plan to bring the talents of my colleagues forward and utilize the skills of the students to build friendships, empower unison, recruit for Alcorn, and impact all students professionally, socially, and economically.”

Patterson has a slew of ideas that would promote unity and improvement at Alcorn.

“My goal is to strengthen the collaboration with other clubs and organizations who are aiming toward the same goal. Also, I would like to address the class’ strengths, what we need to improve, and the needs of the student body.”

Patterson expressed his appreciation for those who came out to the polls to support him.

“I would like the student body and voters to know that I am grateful for their belief in me. I will continue to be approachable, available and receptive.”

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