Alcorn to hold the Week of the Young Child

“Celebrating our Youngest Learners,” is the theme of this year’s national celebration of the annual Week of the Young Child. In observance of the celebration, the Alcorn State University Child Development Laboratory Center has planned two days of events, according to Dr. Carrie Ford, chair, Department of Human Sciences.

“The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children,” Dr. Ford said. “The purpose of this event is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families, and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.”

The opening program will be held Monday, April 13 at 9 a.m. in the Ray Johnson Assembly Center, Extension and Research Complex on the Lorman campus. A Proclamation for The Week of the Young Child will be read by a representative from the office of President Alfred Rankins Jr., followed by a performance by the scholars of the Child Development Laboratory Center who will demonstrate their academic and motor development skills. The program is open to the public.

On Tuesday, April 14, during Administrative Read Day, several Alcorn administrators will read to the scholars throughout the day, including Clara Ross Stamps, vice president for Marketing and Communication, Dr. Ivory W. Lyles, interim dean and director of land-grant programs of the School of Agriculture, Research, Extension and Applied Sciences, Carla Williams, Human Resources director, Lljuna Weir, director of Educational Equity and Inclusion/Title IX coordinator, Chief Douglas Stewart, Campus Police, and Carolyn Dupre’, vice president for Finance and Administrative Services.

“The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibilities, and make sure that every child receives the experiences of an early education environment,” Ford said. “Our children are our future and we must invest in them. We are asking for the community’s participation, visitation, and dedication in shaping the development of our children across the nation, but in particular, here at Alcorn State University.”

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