Alcorn cheerleaders will host Cheerleading Mini-Camp

The Alcorn State University cheerleading squad will teach young girls the meaning of school spirit at their upcoming camp.

The Alcorn Cheerleaders will host the 2015 Annual Cheerleading Mini-Camp Saturday, June 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the E.E. Simmons Gymnasium (Old Gym). The cheerleaders will teach girls ages 4-8 various traditional cheers as well as Alcorn chants. The registration fee for each child will be $25.

Alcorn cheerleading coach Candance Buford said that the mini-camp is a way of exposing young girls to what cheerleading is all about.

“The mini-camp was started as a way to introduce young girls to the sport of cheerleading,” said Buford. “In my opinion, cheerleading is always overlooked as a sport because people don’t understand everything that goes into it. Cheerleading is more than just a uniform and pom-poms. It’s an actual sport that a lot of people take for granted. Once these campers actually see what we do, they’ll gain a respect and a love for it and hopefully, they’ll want to continue to pursue it.”

For more information about the cheerleading mini-camp, contact Candance Buford at 601-877-6368 or [email protected].

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