Alcorn student Johnna Hooten accepted into the Teach for America program

Alcorn State University’s bright students continue to move the university forward with their scholastic acheivements.

Johnna Hooten, a senior majoring in elementary education with a concentration in English, was recently accepted into the Teach for America program. Teach for America is a nonprofit organization that is growing the movement of leaders who work to ensure that kids growing up in poverty get an excellent education. The program also helps our nation deliver on the promise of equal opportunity for all students.

Hooten, who has patiently waited for her chance to enter the program, was pleased to learn of her acceptance.

“I am beyond excited about being accepted,” said Hooten, a Jackson, Mississippi native. “I have always wanted to be part of this program since I first found out about it. This has been on my to do list because teaching is my passion and I love giving back to the younger generation.”

Hooten, who is the president of the Student National Educational Association, said that Alcorn has done an exceptional job at preparing her for her dreams.

“This was far away from my comfort zone at first. When I accepted the challenge, I told myself that I can do whatever I put my mind to doing. Being a part of the Student National Educational Association will open a lot of doors for me because I will get the chance to meet lots of people. You never know where your next blessing will come from when you step outside your comfort zone.”

Hooten said that she wants to teach elementary school in Mississippi for two years before moving out of state. She also has plans of authoring more books in the future. She is the author of the book, “I Want to Make An A.”

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