Anthony Reed, assistant extension administrator, addresses the
Farm Service Agency Vendors Borrowers Training Course participants recently in Raymond, MS.
Alcorn State University Extension Program hosted its Farm Service Agency Vendors Borrowers Training Course on November 6-7, 2015 at the Hinds County Extension Office/Eagle Ridge Conference Center in Raymond, Mississippi.
The training course is designed to address real-world problems and help agricultural producers become more profitable and better prepared to operate in today’s changing business environment. The course is offered several times a year, depending on the need of the participants.
“This training allows the producers to interact with other producers from across the state of Mississippi, gain knowledge and skills to increase their capital and make their operation more profitable; thus, improving their quality of life,” said Carolyn Banks, director, Small Farm Outreach Training and Technical Assistance Project.
According to Banks, the participants were provided with hands-on educational sessions on goal setting, risk management, recordkeeping, budget and decision-making, financial statements and production practices. Borrowers gained knowledge and skills designed to make effective management decisions. Overall, the workshop helped to inject $1,090,000 into the economy of Mississippi by assisting farmers to meet FSA regulation as a part of their loan requirement.
Upon the completion of the course, 17 borrowers received certificates of completion and have met the requirement for United States Department of Agriculture FSA, and now qualify to receive additional funds if necessary.
For more information on the FSA Vendors Borrowers Training Course, please contact Carolyn Banks, at 601-877-6260 or [email protected].