Alcorn’s PACE Project Observes Family and Consumer Sciences Dine in Day
The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) professional organization has declared December 3 as the Family and Consumer Sciences Dine in Day. This day is in honor of Ellen Swallow Richards’ birthday, the founder of AAFCS. AAFCS has a long history of equipping and empowering individuals and families to manage the challenges of living. Recognizing the global obesity crisis, AAFCS has initiated this signature campaign called “Dine in Day” to encourage family mealtimes.
To commemorate this day along with the 70,000 individuals and groups that have committed to this day nationally, the Parents and Children Engaged to Prevent Childhood Obesity (PACE) project team at Alcorn State University organized the “Soul Bowl” event on December 2, 2016 at the department of Human Sciences. Invitees from various campus units, staff, students and faculty from the department of Human Sciences dined over a meal of gumbo. The Family and Consumer Sciences Dine in Day Proclamation signed by Dr. Ivory Lyles, dean and director of Land-Grant programs, was read by Mr. Anthony Reed, Interim Associate Extension Administrator.
Dr. Carrie Ford, chair, Department of Human Sciences, reinforced the importance of dining in and urged all members to uphold the cause.
Dr. Martha Ravola, principal investigator, PACE Project, refreshed the members about the Family and Consumer Sciences’ (FCS) body of knowledge and the importance of family mealtimes in the context of obesity prevention. While, Charmae Damper, senior child development student, portrayed the life of the founder, Ellen Swallow Richards. Jocelyn Taylor, senior Mass Communication student assisted with the event. Ms. Ouida Pittman, senior faculty, shared the importance of Family and Consumer Sciences as a profession in current times. Ms. Priscilla Houston, research aide, PACE Project, served as the mistress of ceremony.
Student attendees stated that this event helped them fully understand the prospect and perspectives of FCS as a discipline. Turn into quote from a student
The event was well attended and appreciated. The pictures of the Soul Bowl event were shared on AAFCS social media and the event was declared as one of the prize winners.