Ignite Your Extension: Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

As a part of the 2017 Southern Region PLN meeting in August, the Program Leadership Committee (PLC) is seeking 8 examples of innovative cross-committee work to be presented at the meeting. However, these won’t be just any presentations! The PLC is looking for presentations that will

Ignite Your Extension Peers!

What is Ignite? Ignite is a series of speedy presentations. Presenters get 20 slides, which automatically advance every 15 seconds. The result is a fast and fun presentation which lasts just 5 minutes. What is your Ignite idea?

Two examples:




Ignite Session Title:

Submitted By (Name, title, institution and contact information):

Related to the Work of Which PLN Committees:

Abstract of Ignite Presentation (150 word maximum):

Take Home Message (150 word maximum):

Selected Ignite presentations will be presented as a part of the opening session of the annual SRPLN meeting on the morning of August 22nd in Ft. Worth, TX.

Proposals are due April 28th to Rachel Welborn, [email protected]

If you have questions about the Ignite presentations or the Ignite proposal form, contact Rachel Welborn, [email protected].