School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences May Departmental Highlights
Extension Program
- Alcorn State University Extension Program (ASUEP) conducted a FSA Borrowers Training on May 19-20, in (Bolivar County) Bound Bayou, Mississippi. The class prepared participants to apply for, and obtain loans offered through Farm Service Agency (FSA). The FSA Borrowers course is designed to educate FSA borrowers on agriculture production and farm and financial management.
Topics Discussed:
- Agriculture Production
- Farm & Financial Management
- Borrowers gained knowledge on production agriculture and learned skills needed to complete the FSA loan application;
- Participants were able to complete a balance sheet, financial statement, and income statement;
- Borrowers are eligible to apply for additional loans after completing the course, and passing the test with a score of 70 and higher; and
- FSA issued over $315,000 to borrowers.
- The Family and Consumer Science Educator in Jefferson County promoted “National Women’s Health Week,” May14-20, and “National Salad Month” during a health fair. Participants received educational resources on women’s health and wellbeing. Information was, also, distributed on the benefits of eating fresh salads for increased consumption of vegetables.
Topics Discussed:
- Health and Wellbeing Awareness
- Women’s Health
- National Salad Month
- 100 participants attended this event;
- Increased knowledge of women’s health issues; and
- Increased knowledge on the importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables
- The Family and Consumer Science Educator in Claiborne County conducted a four-week parenting education series in Port Gibson, Mississippi. Parents learned ways to reduce conflicts, prevent behavioral problems, and create stronger family bonds. Classes were conducted for Claiborne County Department of Human Services’ clientele.
Topics Discussed:
- Understanding Children’s Temperament
- Effective Methods for Handling Behavioral Problems
- Reducing Parent/Child Conflicts
- Understanding Various Parenting Styles
- Strengthening Family Bonds
- Four parents were mandated to participate in parenting workshops;
- 100 percent of participants completed the four-week series;
- One parent, who was in noncompliance before the workshops, satisfied DHS requirements for compliancy as a result of attending all sessions.
- The ASUEP collaborated with the Natchez-Adams County School District (Joseph Frazier Elementary
School) to implement a Bullying and Cyber Bullying workshop for 4th and 5th grade students. The workshop was held May 24, in Natchez, Mississippi. The purpose of the activity was to:
- increase participants’ knowledge about bullying and cyber bullying;
- teach techniques to resist bullying and cyber bullying; and
- Demonstrate skills to make sound decisions.
Workshop activities included a visual presentation, group discussions, and hands-on activities.
Student observations and role-playing activities were used to evaluate comprehension of subject matter.
Topics Discussed:
- Bullying
- Cyber Bullying
- Social Media
- Health Hazards Associated with Bullying and Cyber Bullying
- 95 percent demonstrated critical thinking skills to evaluate real-life bullying and/or cyber bullying situations;
- 90 percent could apply appropriate decision-making skills in bullying and cyber bullying situations; and
- 96 percent applied appropriate techniques to resolve future bullying and cyber bullying incidences.
- The 4-H Youth Development Educator in Copiah County partnered with Mississippi State University Extension Service and Osyka Elementary, in Osyka, Mississippi to conduct a leadership development workshop May 8. Art-based activities were used to teach leadership and team building skills.
Topics Discussed:
- Team Building Skills
- Effective Communication
- Leadership Education
- Listening Skills
- Anger Management
- Conflict Management
- 201 youth participated; and
- 100 percent of the students demonstrated an understanding of content taught during workshop.
- The 4-H Youth Development Educator in Claiborne County conducted a series of team building and effective communication activities at the Bethlehem Baptist Association’s Summer Youth Camp at Grand Gulf, in Port Gibson, Mississippi, on May 22. Activities were, also, conducted at True Vine’s Children Youth Center in Brandon, Mississippi on May 23.
Topics Discussed:
- Leadership Styles
- Effective Communication
- Team Building
- 150 youth participated;
- Youth increased their knowledge to become effective leaders, make wise decisions, and to communicate effectively; and
- More than half of the participants agreed that the workshop increased their awareness of team building, communication, and problem-solving skills.
- The Agriculture Marketing Specialist provided technical assistance, one-on-one trainings, printed resources, and conducted site visits in May with the mayor and residents of Isola, Mississippi. The purpose of the trainings were to prepare Isola to open a farmers market in mid-June to address issues associated with food desserts.
Topics Discussed:
- How to Design a Potential Farmers Market
- How to Develop a Potential Farmers Market
- How Create a Way for the Opening of a Local Farmers Market
- How to Market to the Citizens
- How to and Where to Recruit Growers (Farmers)
- How Train your Newly-Selected Market Manager
- What Operational Decisions Need to be Included
- What Supplies Should be Considered
- Operational Guidelines for the Market
- Job creation;
- Availability of fresh produce for a healthier lifestyle;
- Increase the number of individuals eating healthier;
- Boost the local economy (no local grocery stores);
- Prepare market to participate in Mississippi Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program;
- Equip farmers and vendors to accept EBT for payment; and
- Increased number of farmers with basic marketing skills.
- Potential to impact the lives of 9,207 to 161,000 residents (Laflore and Sunflower counties combined).
- The 4-H Youth Development in partnership with Winston County Self Help Youth Group conducted a 4-H Food Smart Family Healthy Living Program at Winston County Youth Agriculture Field Day in Louisville, Mississippi, May 23.
Topics Discussed:
- How to Decrease Fat in your Diet -Fast Food /Blubber Burgers
- How to Read Food Labels and What They Say?
- How to Reduce Sugar in your Diet- Down with Sugary Drinks and Juices
- How included Fitness in your Daily Life
- 390 youth and 20 adults participated;
- Participants increased knowledge of content taught during the event; and
- Participants indicated that they would encourage family members to eat more fruits and vegetables as well as eat more meals together.
- To address the issue of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, the 4-H Youth Specialist conducted two Pregnancy Prevention/STD Workshops at the Lauderdale County Boys and Girls Club in Meridian, Mississippi on May 21 and 24.
Topics Discussed:
- Effective Decision-Making Skills
- How to Resist Risky Behavior
- Effective Communication skills
- Consequences of Participating in Risky Behaviors
- 120 youth and 15 adults participated;
- 57 percent indicated that they knew and understand the consequences of participating in risky behaviors;
- 45 percent indicated that they knew the steps in the decision-making process and would use the process to make decisions;
- 56 percent know at least two ways to avoid being involved in risky behaviors;
- Approximately 51 percent of youth stated they knew someone who had participated in a risky behavior; and
- 39 percent reported that they would feel comfortable talking to their peers about risky situations.
- Because many youths in Mississippi’s Public School lack skills to find and secure employment, the Youth Specialist conducted four Career/Workforce Development Workshops at Capitol City Boys and Girls Club in Jackson, Mississippi on May 22. The workshops focused on job readiness skills needed to seek and obtain summer employment.
Topics Discussed:
• How to Write Effective Cover Letter
• How to Develop an Effective Resume
• How Properly Complete a Job Application
• Do’s and Don’ts of Interviewing
- 176 youth and 25 adults participated;
- Youth increased their knowledge of content taught during the workshop; and
- Participants acquired skills necessary to seek and obtain gainful employment.
Department of Human Sciences
- Dr. Martha Ravola, interim chair, participated in the 2017 National Health Outreach Conference in Annapolis, Maryland, May 2-4. The conference theme was, "Navigating the World of Health: A Sea of Opportunity.”
- As a member of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Health action team on Positive Youth Development, Dr. Ravola, participated in the pre-conference meetings. The health action team three-year appointment ends in 2018.
Office of Global Programs
- The Office of Global Programs facilitated the visit of the President of the Loyola University of Congo, and the ratification of a Cooperative Agreement between the Loyola University of Congo and Alcorn State University. The agreement was signed by Dr. Alfred Rankins, Jr., president of Alcorn State University and Dr. Ferdinand Muhigirwa, president of the University Loyola of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
- A follow-up visit from Alcorn State to the Congo will take place in the fall of 2017 to prepare for substantive exchange of faculty, students, collaborative research and/or development projects in the Congo.
- The Office of Global Programs facilitated the implementation of a study tour throughout Costa Rica for Agriculture students under the auspices of the one-way linkage agreement between Alcorn State University and Veritas University in San Jose’, Costa Rica. The program is funded by a USDA 1890 Teaching Capacity Building project implemented in the Alcorn State University Department of Agriculture.
- Five students from the Department of Agriculture are completing the program in Costa Rica. They will each receive six credit hours for classes, field trips, and excursions. The theme of the Program is, “Tropical Agriculture, Ecology and Environmental Sustainability Research and Education. “