Mandatory Civil Rights Workshop Scheduled
Thursday, October 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., a Civil Rights Workshop will be held in the Ray Johnson Assembly Center of the Extension and Research Complex.
This workshop is mandatory for all employees of the School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.
United States Department of Agriculture and National Institute of Food and Agriculture Civil Rights Representatives Bobbie A. Moore, director of civil rights, and Attorney Anthony Rashard McCreary, equal employment specialist, will share in-depth information on civil rights as it pertains to various programs within the School.
During the workshop, the presenters will discuss civil rights as a whole, as well as ways that it may impact our work.
“This training will enhance our knowledge base of the do's and don’ts regarding the civil rights of all citizens, regardless of their status. Additionally, participants will gain firsthand information with the ability to ask those key questions and voice their concerns, if any,” said Dr. Gwendolyn L. Gordon, director, of alumni and staff development.
For more details, contact Gordon at 601.877.6253 or [email protected].