
Survey Questions

Please select the response that best reflects your rating of the audit in the following areas.

The audit objectives, purpose and scope were clearly communicated to me *
My business concerns and perspective on key operating areas were adequately considered during the audit *
The auditor(s) demonstrated technical proficiency in the audit areas *
The auditor(s) demonstrated effective communication skills *
The auditor(s) demonstrated courtesy, professionalism, and a constructive and positive approach *
This disruption of daily activities was minimized as much as possible during the audit *
The audit took an acceptable amount of time (from entrance to exit) *
Communication of audit status to me during the audit was timely and adequately *
The audit report was clearly written, logically organized and issued timely *
Audit results were accurately reported and appropriate perspective was provided *
The conclusion and opinions of the auditor(s) were logical and well documented *
Audit recommendations were constructive and actionable *