Alcorn’s Panicker presents at state and regional conferences
Alcorn’s Panicker presents at state and regional conferences
Dr. Girish Panicker, associate professor and director of the Conservation Research Center at Alcorn, recently presented two research papers on organic horticulture.
His research “Effect of Long-term Organic Farming on Biomass Development and Soil Physico-Chemical Changes in a Vineyard”,co-authored by Drs. Juan Silva and Frank Matta of Mississippi State University, was delivered at the 78th annual meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences (MAS) held in Hattiesburg in March 2014.
The second paper “Effect of Organic Manure and a Preceding Summer Cover Crop in the Biomass Development and Soil Physico-Chemical Changes in a Succeeding Broccoli”,co-authored by Germania Salazar-Mejia of Alcorn State University, Dr.Carl E Motsenbocker of Louisiana State University, Dr. William Evans of Mississippi State University, and Dr. Rao Mentreddy of Alabama A&M University, was presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists’ (SAAS) Conference held in February 2014, in Dallas, Texas.
Abstracts of both papers have been published by the respective societies.
Another one of Panicker’s notable presentations, “Organic Muscadine Production on Heavy Soil,” delivered at the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) second International Symposium on Organic Fruit Research in 2012, is now being globally podcasted by the Society. This presentation will be of interest to researchers, Extension professionals, growers, consultants, suppliers, and retailers who wish to learn the latest developments in the worldwide organic fruit supply chain. Click here to access the presentation (listed under “Horticulture” subheading).
Dr. Panicker shared, “We began our organic musadineresearch in 2000 making it the first long-term research on this native crop in the nation.”
The podcasting is being conducted by eOrganic and eXtension for ISHS, the largest horticultural science society in the world with members in 156 countries.Panicker’s other significant speeches delivered at international conferences on C-factor research, residue and nutrient management, no-till vegetable production, and organic vegetable, muscadine, and blueberry production are also being podcasted globally by eOrganic, eXtension, as well as the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS), the American Society of Agronomy, and United States Department of Agriculture.
Pictured: Dr. Panicker.