Alcorn’s School of Ag displays mounted two-headed calf for learning purposes

Alcorn State University School of Agriculture, Research, Extension and Applied Sciences is displaying a mounted body of the two-headed calf that was donated to Alcorn in 2014.

The animal died shortly after being born on an Adams County cattle farm and has been donated to the animal science program at Alcorn.

“The condition of having more than one head is known as polycephaly. It is thought to occur along the same process as conjoined twins — formerly termed Siamese twins,” said Dr. Cassandra Vaughn, university veterinarian. “The body and the scull of this unique animal will be used for learning purposes. The body is on display in the hall cabinet of the Jesse A. Morris Sr./W.C. Boykin Agricultural Science building.”

For more information about the display, contact Dr. Vaughn at (601) 877.6541 or [email protected] .

  • Two headed calf.jpg