Alcorn’s Dr. Akash Dania’s book on International Investing and Portfolio Management accepted for publication

One of Alcorn State University’s employees can add the title of author to his resume.

Alcorn’s associate professor of finance and director of graduate business programs Dr. Akash Dania’s book, “Impact of International Terrorism on Commodity Markets: Protecting a Diversified Commodity Portfolio,” has been accepted for publication.

The book, which is currently in-press, focuses on portfolio risk management, specifically arising from acts of international terror on investing in the commodities market, which constitutes roughly 25% of the global merchandize trade.

Dania explained how the book is a start to finish guide to investigating the impact of international terrorism on commodity markets and whether a commodity portfolio provides investors with diversification benefits in such extreme politically uncertain environments.

“Terrorism is now a fact of life that has brought considerable uncertainty to the global economy,” said Dania. “The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 have revealed that the threat of terrorism is a new type of catastrophic risk that investors face. The financial impact of terrorism takes the form of risk premium for businesses, loss of business activity due to heightened security risks, change in consumption and production patterns, and shifts of resources towards combating terrorism. Understanding the losses incurred due to a terrorist attack is rapidly becoming an important area of risk analysis for researchers and practitioners of finance disciplines.”

Dania is published in journals such as the Journal of Wealth Management, Journal of Economics and Finance, Journal of Asset Management, and many more.

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