Amber King crowned 2015-2016 Miss Alcorn State University

When Greenville, Miss. native Amber King was voted Miss Freshman two years ago, she knew that a future reign as Miss Alcorn was possible. That possibility became reality thanks to a few faithful student voters.

“I am looking forward to experiencing life as Miss Alcorn,” said King. “It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was a freshman. When I was voted Miss Freshman that year, I knew then that I would run for the ultimate title when the time came.”

King was voted Miss Alcorn State University for the 2015-2016 academic school year. She credited encouragement from her fellow Alcornites and a desire to become an inspirational leader on campus for her pursuit of the crown.

“My peers inspired me to go for the title. Plus, I have a passion for positive leadership. I feel that there are some great things that I could do on campus. I want to be a voice for our student body.”

King has a bunch of fresh ideas that she hopes to get started on campus during her tenure as campus queen.

“I want to bring different initiatives onto campus. One of those initiatives would be to create more parking spaces for students because we have trouble finding parking spaces around campus. I would also like to pay tribute to Alcorn students and alumni who have passed away by designating an area of flowers that would show their class year, birthday and the day they passed.”

During her campaign, King realized how tough the road to becoming Miss Alcorn could be. She acknowledged how the hard times proved to be beneficial to her personal development.

“Running for Miss Alcorn gave me tougher skin, which helped me to take criticism better than I did before. I was able to stay focused by keeping a positive mindset through it all. It helped me to step outside of my comfort zone and become more confident.”

When it’s all said and done, King wants to be remembered as a student leader who understood the importance of unity and positivity.

“I want to be remembered as a person who unified everyone with positivity. I feel that it shouldn’t take a tragic event, like the death of a student, to bring us together. We should always be on one accord with each other during the good and the bad times.”

  • Amber King Miss ASU 201516.jpg