Alcorn SGA takes donations for home fire victim

Members of the Alcorn State University Student Government Association and The Student Ambassadors are asking their fellow Alcornites to donate to a cause concerning one of their peers.

Rakeem Washington, a senior psychology major from Port Gibson, Miss., lost his home to a fire that was caused by a malfunction with an electric heater. The incident occurred Tuesday, April 7th. The members of Alcorn’s SGA committee have started taking donations in the form of money, clothing and toiletries that would help Washington and his family.

Miss Alcorn State University Cortni Cooper expressed the importance of the student body coming to the aid of a fellow Alcorn student.

“We are all family here at Alcorn,” said Cooper. “It is our duty to support our peers and those living in surrounding communities.”

Washington showed appreciation toward his peers for their compassionate gesture.

“My family and I are beyond grateful for receiving major support. I would like to thank Alcorn’s SGA committee and student ambassadors for keeping us in their prayers,” said Washington.

For information on how to donate, contact Cortni Cooper at 601-529-8829 or [email protected].

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