Dancing Together Under One Sky, Alcorn Celebrates Multicultural Festival

Colorful flags, national attires, sounds of music, and dances from around the world filled the air over the Lorman campus of Alcorn State University during its annual Multicultural Festival on March 19, 2016.

Dr. Dovi Alipoe, director of the Office of Global Programs, used this year’s theme, ‘Dancing Together Under One Sky,’ to open and welcome hundreds of students, staff, faculty, and guests to the festival.

“I would like to thank the Office of Global Programs, the festival committee and Mississippi Cultural Crossroads for their hard work in making this program possible,” adds Alipoe. “Our students, staff, and faculty represent over 30 countries and it’s important to showcase the multicultural and diverse aspect of the University to expose the campus and the surrounding communities to different cultures and to encourage students to study abroad.”

The world-renowned dance theater La Quinta del Lobo from Bogota, Columbia, was brought to Alcorn in cooperation with Mississippi Cultural Crossroads, a non-profit organization in Port Gibson, Mississippi. During their breath-taking performance titled, “The Mangrove Tales,” the artists shared a story of their country’s past and present through a combination of dance, song, pantomime and a light theatrical performance.

The colorful, cultural and ever popular fashion show was also featured on the program. The Alcorn family mastered the catwalk wearing traditional clothing of their respective countries such as China, Russia, Philippines, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, India, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Egypt, Mauritania, and the United States.

Fashion show participant, Marlon Gray, a junior from New Orleans, Louisiana, states, “Participating in the festival gave me the opportunity to explore different cultures without even leaving the campus,” says Marlon. “I enjoyed myself so much, and I hope that the attendees gain a better understanding and appreciation of the world’s diversity.”

The festival also included songs from Pakistan and Israel, as well as dances performed by students from Brazil, line dancing by the festival participants and the audience, and Greek organizations’ presentations.
Concluding the event, the audience were invited to enjoy the taste of cultural food delights, music and dance videos as well as displays highlighting the diversity at Alcorn.

For more information on this and future events, please contact the Office of Global Programs at [email protected] or 601-877-6533.

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