World Class Teacher Academy Fall Kickoff and Information Session scheduled for Saturday
The School of Education and Psychology at Alcorn State University is preparing to host the annual World Class Teacher Academy Fall Kickoff and Information Session.
The event will take place Saturday, Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Dr. Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Facility Gold Room. The event is designed to inform teachers, counselors and librarians about the National Board Process and the role that Academy plays in providing candidate support by using mentors who are National Board Certified Teachers.
The World Class Teacher Academy serves Adams, Amite, Claiborne, Jefferson and Wilkinson counties.
Gail Gettis, Academy coordinator, explained the importance of teachers attending the event.
The session is an opportunity for teachers in the area to learn more about the National Board Certification process and the benefits that it provides for students and teachers,” said Gettis. “Additionally, they will learn the role that the Academy plays in assisting teachers throughout the process of becoming National Board Certified teachers.”
Gettis also talked about the benefits that come with being a National Board Certified Teacher.
“National Board Certified Teachers in many states are valued for their content area expertise and advanced classroom practices. Most of these teachers will tell you that going through the process has changed how they teach, making them more reflective of their practice by always asking why and how to best present lessons each day based on national standards.”
In Mississippi, National Board Certified Teachers are paid a supplement of $6,000 annually as long as they maintain their board certification. During the 2016 legislative session, HB 207 was signed by Governor Phil Bryant to provide an extra incentive to teachers who work in critical geographic areas of the state that are in most need of highly effective teachers. These teachers earn an additional $4,000 annually on top of the $6,000 supplement, creating a $10,000 salary increase.
To register for the Fall Kickoff and Information Session, visit For more information, visit or contact Gettis at 601-877-2417 or [email protected].