Scholarship and academic excellence celebrated at Alcorn’s 79th Biannual Honor’s Convocation
The educational triumphs of Alcorn State University’s most dedicated students were recognized during the university’s annual celebration of scholarship.
The University honored 654 Dean’s Scholars and 283 President’s Scholars at the 79th Biannual Honors Convocation Thursday, March 28 in the James L. Bolden Campus Ballroom. Dr. Tiffany Monique Lloyd, who wears multiple hats as a political scientist, singer, choreographer, director, model, motivational speaker, and academic scholar, served as the event’s speaker.
Lloyd is best known for her role in the romantic comedy play, “All the Women I’ve Loved,” which debuted in 2010. She was chosen as Miss Black Louisiana USA in 2008 and went on to represent the state of Louisiana in the Miss Black USA pageant in Washington D. C. in 2009. She earned a bachelor’s degree in educational psychology from Alcorn in 2003. She also served as Miss Alcorn State University 2002-2003.
Eliminating toxic people and distractions were two things that Lloyd encouraged the scholars to do in order to achieve success.
“In order for you to be successful in life, you have to have a funeralize relationships with some people," said Lloyd. "Some people have an expiration date. You may not reach success because of some distractions in your life can slow down your progress. Don’t allow people with negative intentions to waste your time.”
Lloyd assured the students of their ability to create their best work during challenging times along their journey.
“While you are shaping the future, adversity will come. Storms are going to come, but adversity births creativity. That means your best work and finest accomplishments come out of your struggles. Your greatest work comes from when you’re at rock bottom.”
When chasing success, Lloyd said to step away from your comfort zone to find your purpose. She also discussed being respectful and focus.
“The first step to achieving your dreams is to explore. Your purpose will allow you to escape from being average to being excellent. Do not compare yourself to others because God’s plan for you may be different from his plans for others. Be careful how you treat people because you never know who you may need in the future. Everyone needs someone, so never think so highly of yourself that you don’t believe in asking for help.”
In conclusion, Lloyd spoke to the students about remaining diligent in chasing their dreams, and to put in the work to perfect their craft.
“No matter what your goal is, you must work to be the best that you can be. You have to envision yourself as great, even when others don’t think you are. Keep pushing because once you come out on the other side, your success would be everything you hoped for.”
The honorees showed their appreciation for the recognition they received. Collett Charlton, a junior computer science major and President’s Scholar, reflected on the sacrifices it took for her to reach her goal.
“It was a bit challenging to achieve my goals,” said Charlton. “There are plenty of times where my friends would not see me because I was locked away in my room completing my studies. I always made it a priority to speak to my professors, complete my assignments on time, and be well prepared for exams. I am happy I was able to succeed.”
Christopher Garrett, a senior political science major, and Dean’s Scholar expressed how grateful he was for being honored for his classroom excellence.
“It feels amazing to be a Dean’s Scholar this year,” said Garrett. “It’s always an amazing feeling to not only be appreciated for your hard work but also to know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed.”
Carolyn DuPre, vice president for Finance and Administrative Services, commended the scholars for continuing their greatness in the classroom.
“We congratulate all of the worthy students on their accomplishments,” said DuPre. “We encourage you to continue to reach for the highest standards, for they will pay off in the future.”