Andreya Dupree attains summer internship with USDA
Andreya Dupree is on her way to becoming a world-class food chemist. The junior agriculture plant & soil sciences major will be spending her summer shadowing certified chemists with the USDA Food & Safety Inspection Service in St. Louis, Missouri.
Andreya is eager about the opportunity to sharpen her skill set while learning from knowledgeable professionals. “I’m excited. I’m a little nervous, but I know I’ll do well,” she said.
Coming from a predominantly white high school in Tallahassee, Florida, Andreya chose to attend Alcorn to explore a different environment and setting. “I faced a lot of racism growing up,” she shared. “Where I’m from, being smart and taking honors, advanced placement, and dual enrollment classes were not the norm for black people. That’s how I knew I wanted to attend an HBCU because I didn’t want to be in that environment anymore.”
Andreya is proud to be surrounded by individuals that look and behave like her.
“It’s refreshing to be at Alcorn where it’s normal to be black and smart,” she said. “A lot of my friends here are also on scholarships or graduated at the top of their class. I also have black teachers and mentors. I definitely didn’t see a lot of that growing up.”
Andreya’s personal goals include having a secure career lined up after graduation. If all goes well with her internship, she hopes to one day work for the Food & Safety Inspection Service.
“I want to help with food disparity,” she said.
To aid her in her pursuits, she currently serves as a member of Gamma Sigma Sigma, a national service sorority, and president of MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences).
Andreya credits Michael Trusclair, USDA 1890 Program Liaison, for introducing her to the opportunity. She advises students always to prepare themselves professionally.
“Apply to everything, invest in professional business attire, have someone go over your resume with you and hone your interview skills,” she said. For more information about other USDA Pathways programs, visit