Alcorn’s Dr. Alex Acholonu publishes three articles, honored in Nigeria
Alcorn State University’s Dr. Alex D. W. Acholonu continues to represent the university with his scientific articles.
Dr. Acholonu, who is a professor of biology, recently published three articles. Two of his articles appeared in an addition of Advances in Science and Technology Journal. His third article was published in the Mississippi Academy of Sciences Journal.
Acholonu’s article titled, “The parasites of cockroach, Periplaneta Americana (Insecta: Blattidae) in Lagos, Nigeria with special reference to Raillietiella gehyrae larvae (Pentastomida) and the experimental infection of albino rats with cystacanths of Moniliformis moniliformis,” was presented during the International Congress of Parasitology in Mexico in August 2014.
His second article, “Landfill as a method of solid waste disposal: Advantages and environmental issues with comments on the American and Nigerian situations,” explained the pros and cons of landfills.
“This article brings out the fact that as good as landfills are, they have some environmental drawbacks,” said Acholonu. “These include habitat and biodiversity loss, air pollution, carbon dioxide emission, and global warming.”
Acholonu’s third article, “Lice infestation of goats from southwestern Mississippi, USA,” highlights the prevalence of lice in goats from Mississippi. He recommends that goats be treated daily for signs of lice infestation due to their growing economic value.
“There is an increasing production of goats in Mississippi. The production of goat milk for human consumption has also increased in the state. Goats are growing in economic importance. The occurrence of lice on goats in the state poses a management and sanitation concern.”
Acholonu’s success was celebrated by his former high school, Christ the King College in Onitsha, Nigeria, when officials at the school named a dormitory after him.