Senior class and Alcorn H.E.R.O.S spread awareness on cervical cancer

The Alcorn State University senior class spent Thursday, Jan. 4 spreading knowledge to their peers about a disease that affects women.

The class, along with the Alcorn H.E.R.O.S., shed light on cervical cancer awareness in the Dr. Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Facility lobby. According to, cervical cancer begins in the cervix, the narrow organ at the bottom of the uterus. The cervix dilates during childbirth to allow for passage of a baby. Detection tools and inoculations make cervical cancer a condition that is relatively easy to prevent and treat.

Ari’Anna Magee, who is Miss Senior, stressed the importance of spreading valuable information on serious issues around campus.

“It’s very important to bring about awareness on the campus of Alcorn State University, especially on issues as serious as cervical cancer,” said Ari’Anna.

Ari’Anna also spoke on the importance of annual checkups for women.

“A lot of people don’t understand how important cancer is in general. We are trying our best to bring awareness to this issue and how important it is for women to get annual check ups and keep themselves healthy.”

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