Alcorn Active Minds Chapter hosts Multicultural Event

The Alcorn State University Active Minds Chapter hosted a Multicultural Event entitled “Exploring the World as One!” The event was held in the James Bolden Campus Union multipurpose room Wednesday, Oct. 26.

“The purpose of the event was to promote cultural awareness and social connection among students of Alcorn,” said Dr. Martha Ravola, assistant vice president for Academic Program Support.

Participants were exposed to the lives and cultures of students from diverse backgrounds through food, cultural material and dance. Chairperson of Human Science, Dr. Carrie Ford portrayed a chief from Ghana through royal dance.

“I loved how culturally diverse the event was, and it was definitely amazing to see how we all came together from different parts of the world,” said Torri Smith, president of Active Minds. “This was an exceptional turn out and I personally can’t wait to do it again.”

For more information about Alcorn’s Active Minds Chapter, contact Torri Smith via email at [email protected] or ?(601) 877-3967.

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