Miss Alcorn, Kristina Brown, helps lead charge to collect donations for Hurricane Harvey victims in Houston

Over the last few days, natives of Houston, Texas have been greatly affected by Hurricane Harvey. Thousands of people have been displaced from their homes due to the damaging flood that the hurricane has unleashed on the city.

Kristina Brown, Miss Alcorn State University 2017-2018, is working closely with the Division of Student Affairs to organize and encourage faculty, staff, students and alumni to help the hurricane victims by donating money and non-perishable items through a student led, newly formed hurricane relief fund.

Non-perishable donations will be accepted until Wednesday, Sept. 20 at the Student Government Association (SGA) Office, located in room 9 on the second floor of the James L. Bolden Campus Union.

Helping others is embedded in Kristina’s character. She feels that it is important to lend a helping hand to those who can’t help themselves.

“I feel that one of my duties is to help as much as I can,” said Kristina. “It is such a tragedy how Hurricane Harvey has affected so many lives. If I were in their shoes, I would want assistance in any way possible. I am very compassionate about community service, and I am blessed to be able to assist others.”

For more information, contact the SGA Office at (601) 877-6327.

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