Alcorn employees recognized for their years of service
Employees who have dedicated years of service to Alcorn State University were celebrated for their commitment.
Alcorn’s Division of Finance and Administrative Services in the Department of Human Resources held its seventh annual Anniversary Recognition Program Thursday, Dec. 6 in the Dr. Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Facility Gold Room. The Reverend Dr. C. Edward Rhodes II, who serves as director of Student Religious life, was the motivational speaker for the occasion.
Rhodes encouraged the audience to stay strong in their hope and faith despite the circumstances.
“There are moments in our lives, and in our employment, where sometimes hope seems difficult to sustain,” said Rhodes. “There are moments when we have been promised things and it seems that it is taxing for those promises to come to pass.”
Rhodes spoke about the importance of patience and how waiting can sometimes be the best option.
“Sometimes our blessings are delayed because our sense of entitlement needs to be dealt with. Because it happened before, we assume that it will happen again. We have to be reminded that waiting pays off.”
When speaking on instant gratification, Rhodes compared the quality of blessings to foods prepared in a crockpot versus a microwave. He motivated the crowd to appreciate the blessing that takes time appearing.
“Whenever God makes a promise to us, it’s more like a crockpot blessing than a microwave blessing. With the crockpot, it takes about three or four hours for the food to get ready. The microwave, however, prepares food instantly. In an age where we are used to getting what we want immediately, we are at a loss for words when things to happen on our time.”
The program concluded with the employees receiving certificates for their years of service at Alcorn.