Jakhia Gray's "Golden Ticket" campaign proves successful, becomes 93rd Miss Alcorn State University
After running one of the most exciting and elaborate campaigns ever witnessed by the Alcorn State University community, Jakhia Gray is now the university’s new campus queen.
Gray, a biology/pre-physical therapy major from Jackson, Mississippi, was voted Miss Alcorn State University 2019-2020 Tuesday, March 26 in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Multi-Purpose Room.
Her unprecedented Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory themed campaign titled, “Gray’s Got The Golden Ticket,” captured the attention of students around campus with events that included a carnival, a unity block party, and an introductory performance with the Golden Girls during lunchtime in the Dr. Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Faculty, and much more.
It was fitting for Gray to base her campaign on a familiar character that her generation could resonate with.
“I wanted to reach out to the male and female population," said Gray. "After months of thinking of a theme, I finally decided to stick with one of my generation’s childhood movies. I had to be very creative and think outside of the box for everything to work in my favor.”
In the midst of all of the fun, Gray also engaged with students at Port Gibson High School in an effort to recruit students to the university. She also spoke to her peers about the importance of voting and community service.
“I want to impact the people in the community as well. It is imperative that we as leaders reach out and provide them with opportunities that would be effective in their lives.”
Earning the Miss Alcorn crown has been Gray’s mission since she first arrived on campus in 2016. She’s happy that her peers felt that she would be a perfect match to represent the student body.
“The feeling of being the new Miss Alcorn is indescribable. I have wanted to pursue this position for three years. I wanted to make a difference at my university and now, that time has come. I am elated and so grateful to have this opportunity.”
In her new role, Gray hopes to bolster recruitment while aiding in the formation of a bond between her, her peers, and alumni.
“My goals are to help recruit, build bridges between alumni and students, community service events, and more fun campus events.”
At the end of her campaign, Gray looked back on a memorable run that led her to accomplish her goal. Despite the obstacles, she appreciates the love and support from her family, peers, and mentors.
“My campaign was a good but challenging experience. I had to go through positive and negative feedback and sometimes, I doubted myself. I prayed and worked hard to make sure that everything was planned and executed correctly. God led me through, and I am so grateful for my supporters throughout this long journey.”