Alcornite Nana Afriyie co-writes two songs with Beyoncé and Pharrell Williams on “The Lion King: The Gift” album

Songwriting has always been the gift of Alcorn State University alumnus, Nana Afriyie, who goes by his stage moniker Lord Afrixana.

"I've always been good with words," said Afriyie, who earned a bachelor's degree in mass communication in 2008. "I've been rapping since I was 14, but my professional writing career began in 2013."

The budding writer and soon-to-be-solo artist's craftiness with words caught the attention of one music's most talented and celebrated acts, the “Queen B” herself: Beyonce'.

The Kumasi, Ghana native's writing is featured on Beyonce's latest album titled "The Lion King: The Gift," which is inspired by the live motion picture, The Lion King, in theaters now. Afriya co-wrote two songs on the album: "Don't Jealous Me" and "Water" alongside Beyonce and Grammy award-winning artist/producer, Pharrell Williams.

This collaboration is a monumental career shift for Afriyie. He recalled his emotions upon receiving the news that he would be featured on the album.

"I felt happy, blessed, and humbled. It was one of those moments when all of the preparation finally made sense."

Not only did Afriyie lend his pen to the two songs, but he was also able to work with create the music in the studio with the musical giants. It is an experience that he will cherish for a lifetime.

"My experience working with these artists was insane. They're some of the most dominant musical forces in the industry today. It was an honor."

The creative space for Afriyie is easy to find. Everyday occurrences that many don't think twice about are usually the fuel that ignites Afriyie's artistic fire.

"I draw inspiration from any and everything, from a phone call with an old friend to a painting in the doctor's office. Inspiration, for me, comes from anywhere."

The platform gives Afriyie countless opportunities to offer authentic content. The artist leans on his authenticity to inspire other creatives on their road to stardom.

"For me, it's a lesson of genuine humility, stubborn perseverance, blind optimism, creative freedom, and honest dialogue. These qualities are all ideas I'd love to share with the next generation of dreamers."

The grind for Afriyie doesn't stop here. He's busy crafting what will become his debut album, and he's confident that consumers will be fans of is work.

"I'm just getting started on my path to being a solo artist. It's strange for me to say that sometimes. A lot is in the works. A solo project will be coming soon with some exceptional collaborations. I think people will enjoy it."

The Beyonce album is available on all music streaming platforms.