Dean College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources
A native of Forest (Scott County) Mississippi, Dr. Ivory W. Lyles received his Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from Alcorn State University in 1980. He received his Master’s degree in Extension Education and Education Leadership from Mississippi State University in 1984 and Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Education, Community and Rural Development from The Ohio State University in 1990.
Dr. Lyles currently serves as the Director of University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and Associate Dean for Engagement in the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources at the University of Nevada, Reno. He leverages the full range of expertise within University of Nevada, Reno and all Nevada System of Higher Education institutions and collaborates with community partners to address the needs and challenges of citizens throughout the state.
Prior to his appointment at the University of Nevada, he served as Dean and Director of Land-Grant Programs in the Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences and as a professor in the Department of Agriculture. Prior to that, he was Director of Cooperative Extension Service and Associate Vice President of Agriculture at the University of Arkansas – Little Rock. Lyles has held Cooperative Extension positions at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Tennessee State University, The Ohio State University and Mississippi State University.
Lyles is President and Owner of Lyles Consulting, Inc. He has served in various capacities with professional, civic, social and religious organizations. These include: Vice President for the Alcorn State University National Alumni Association; International Director of Social Action for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; Liaison to the USA for the National Baptist Convention, USA Inc.; Board of Directors for Hope Enterprise Corporation for Delta; 100 Black Men of the Greater Little Rock, AR Chapter; National 4-H Congress Board of Directors and Board of Trustees; Association of Southern Region Extension Directors; Southern Aquaculture Center Board; Association of Extension Administrators; Arkansas Food Bank Board of Directors; Director of Sigma/Zeta Relations; Mu Beta Sigma Chapter President; and President of the Search Committee for the University of Tennessee.
Lyles has received awards for his work in the professional, civic, and social arena. These awards include: Induction into the Alcorn State University Hall of Honors (2011) and Tennessee State University Agriculture and Home Economics Hall of Fame (2007); Induction into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society; Induction into Zeta Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Legends; Life Member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; Outstanding Student in Agriculture Economics; Outstanding Young Alcornite of the Year; FFA Honorary Chapter Farmer and Farm Foundation Fellow.
Lyles’ special accomplishments include: securing funding for the National Center for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers at Alcorn State University; initiating the School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences’ Alumni Hall of Fame; increasing grant funding in various projects and raising over $800,000 for Arkansas 4-H centennial capital campaign. He has a vast knowledge and extensive background in research, outreach education, adult education, youth development and leadership development programs. He also actively collaborates with community and government agencies. He has attended numerous professional development institutes/conferences and facilitated numerous workshops in his area of expertise.
He is married to Pauletta Moore and they are the parents of four adult children: Maurice, Lamond, Eddie and Irish. They reside in Forest, MS.