Dr. Helen Davis achieves dream, earns doctorate
One of Alcorn State University’s most faithful employees has reached the end of her educational pursuit.
Dr. Helen Davis, who currently serves as an agriculture marketing specialist in the University’s Extension Program, recently earned a doctorate in instructional leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The milestone makes Davis the first in her family to receive a doctorate.
Completing a doctorate program is the educational pinnacle that Davis has always dreamed of reaching.
“It was a dream come true,” said Davis, who has worked at Alcorn for 28 years. “This is something I always wanted to accomplish.”
Davis’ grandmother was a key figure and motivator in her life. She remembers her grandmother’s encouraging words, ‘You can be and do anything you want; you just have to do it,’ which is what inspired her to push even harder to achieve her goal.
“My grandmother was and still is my inspiration, even in death. I told her that I was going to get it, but procrastination slowed the process. After her death that was caused by Alzheimer’s disease, nothing could stop me from achieving my dream. I know she is smiling down on me from Heaven, and I know that she’s proud of me.”
Now that her journey is over, Davis is eager to pass along valuable information to others who are chasing educational success.
“Continue your education and fully understand the importance of time management. Make sure that you have a strong support system. It will get hard, but keep in mind that you can do it. Also, have a made up mind, be determined, and never give up on your dreams.”