Your Housing Contract is a binding, yearlong document. In accordance with your Residence Life Room and board application, you may be released from your contract if you meet one of the five contract release criteria. Please select which criterion you are requesting the committee to consider as it reviews your case. Please read the included description of each of the criteria for further explanation:

  •  Unanticipated Financial Hardship ensuing After The Start Of The Semester: this means that something significant and unanticipated has to have occurred after you sign your contract. This must be documented with a copy of your financial aid eligibility form. Losing a scholarship does not necessarily constitute unanticipated financial hardship.
  •  Medical Reasons Necessitating A Contract release As Documented By A Physician: documentation must be typed on the physician’s letterhead and included with your Contract Release Form
  •  Academic Internship Or Student teaching Experience More than 40 Miles from ASU: documentation from the Dean of School of Education and Psychology must be included with your Contract Release Form.
  •  Employment Requiring Live-In Status: typed documentation on your employer’s letterhead must accompany your Contract Release Form.
  •  A Change In Marital Or Custodial Status: typed documentation or a copy of a marriage certificate must accompany your Contract Release Form.